
All content in this blog is for information purposes only. It is your choice of how you want to raise your pets. This is just to give you another side of ways available for you to research further.

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I do this blog for giving people an option of different things to think about and to look at. Also to let you see there are different ways to deal with issues besides a bandaid. If you know anything about blogging we do not get paid to sit and write topics, research things, or to help you with issues for your pets. There is a lot of time and thought that goes into each post on here.

I have worked in the field of natural ways of doing things for pets for a long time. I have studied through some of the top holistic vets through their online articles, books, and web cast over the years. I also own many books on these topics and have used what I write to help a lot of my past clients.

If I recommend a product it does not mean I am making money from them. It means I have trusted them with my pets life over the years. I know how these products are sourced, what they use, how they process, and what their ethics are. 
My "Shop Here" Page and this affiliate page list companies I trust, I have used, and that I respect. Yes using the links does help fund me to keep doing this blog, but it does not mean I will go against what I believe and recommend something I would not give to my own pets. One of the reasons I will not work for the big companies is I stand by my Ethics and Morals which are "I would never tell you to buy something I did not trust!"


Hare Today, 
Gone Tomorrow


Cedarcide/Pest solutions

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