
All content in this blog is for information purposes only. It is your choice of how you want to raise your pets. This is just to give you another side of ways available for you to research further.

Monday, January 4, 2016


The Healthy Bark
Figuring out the trigger can be mind boggling, but with a little detective work you can get through this. Environmental allergies are triggered when your pet comes in contact with something that causes an allergic reaction. It can come on very fast such as swelling from a bee sting or immediate response to a vaccine, or develop over time. We think of hives when we talk allergies in people, however in pets their reaction depends on the severity of the allergen.

There are basic allergy tests that can be performed, but they do not always show the whole picture. One of your best friends is keeping a journal for your pet. Write it down, so you can follow what happened. A lot of time we cause the allergies without even knowing it is us. Pets that have allergies do not have a healthy immune system, which is caused by the breakdown in the body from the many things thrown at them.

Over vaccination can be a huge culprit in allergies causing, a poor immune system, joint problems, kidney and liver disease, lymphoma, seizures, and many many other diseases. Topic and oral treatments for fleas, ticks, and heartworms can be deadly to pets. If you have read anything on the internet over the past few years you can see case after case of pets that have had many reactions, including death to the above. I personally have lived the nightmare of this many years ago.

For seasonal allergies look at boosting the immune system. Use high quality anchovy oil, Organic Coconut oil, and an herbal immune boost. Feed a whole food raw diet. Wash your pet in a very mild shampoo with healing herbs, wipe them down when they come in from outside, vacuum more frequently, wash bedding, and use an air purifier in your home or at least the area they are in. Keep your journal up to date to help inform you of what is going on.

If the allergic reaction is do to vaccines, or if you are taking your pet in to have them done consider this to help your pets body deal with the side effects. Up your dose of Omega 3's a few days prior to, make sure they are getting immune boosting herbs, take an ice pack with you and put on the injection site (Especially the rabies vaccine) right after the injection. Give your pet the homeopathy remedy Thuja 30c. You can order this from Newton Homeopathy Labs in liquid form. Give 3 doses 12 hours apart. Dosing is 3-6 drops, so for a small dog or a cat give them 3 drops-medium 4 drops-large-5 drops and extra large-6 drops. Give the Thuja remedy to them as soon as you can after injection or within 2 hours.

More on vaccines and flea/tick medications this week.

To order click here:  Pet Wellness Blends
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