
All content in this blog is for information purposes only. It is your choice of how you want to raise your pets. This is just to give you another side of ways available for you to research further.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

What is people food?

The Healthy Bark
How many times have I heard the phrase "I never give my pet people food!" I always think, why, are you punishing them? The image that comes to mind is two groups of chickens at a farm and one group acting like they are better than the other because they are "People Chickens" not "Dog Chickens."

The other misconception is that there needs to be a life stage formulas for them. The last I looked there was not a wild rabbit running around with a sticky note that said, Puppy, Adult, Senior, stuck to it so the dogs would know which to chase. The amount of food they eat for that part of their life is what a dog or cat formula is, not some bag of kibble with some nice letters that says feed this at this age.

There are two types of people food, one is over processed and the other is just REAL FOOD. Pizza crust, potato chips, cooked bones or fat, boxed sodium laden foods, hot dogs, spam, lunch meat, bacon, or ham with nitrates are not things you feed your pets. Healthy foods are fine for pets.

The picture above is my dog Skittles enjoying a Kefir smoothie with raw honey, berries, nutritional yeast, and coconut. My dogs and cats received a lot of foods I ate, they enjoyed them, and could not wait for me to finish making them their next healthy snack. They also enjoyed a green smoothie a couple times a week.

Real food is nutritious, loaded with all the good stuff and not processed. It is what a body needs to thrive. There are two ways to look at what you feed your pet and yourself. You can eat over processed foods and survive, or you can eat real food and thrive. That really is what it comes down to.

If you think about our pets today they have as many diseases as we do, yet instead of fixing the problem they are given medications time and time again. Never looking at the root of the problem, just using a bandaid to cover it up. Food should fuel the body, boost the immune system, and balance so it can heal itself.

The other thing I have heard over and over is my pet has a sensitive stomach, they have this issue because they have not been given different foods and relied on processed food stuff to try and get their nutrients. You cannot live on fast food and expect to have a good flora in your digestive tract, well neither can your pet. They are not designed to eat the same dried up pieces of kibble that is called food. They are designed to eat real meat.

Variety is the spice of life, that saying is very true for them as well. Over the years I have seen pet food recall after recall do to bad ingredients, the lies in the industry, imbalance of vitamins and minerals causing deficiencies, and things that just should not be in there. Bags of food claiming to be 100% balanced, yet they have a load of ingredients you cannot even pronounce. We live much longer than our pets, we make our own food everyday for our self and our families, but think we must feed kibble to our pets. Truly think about that, in the day people fed their pets leftovers from the table, or fresh meat from the farms, it was not until companies figured out how to get rid of their waste that the food in a bag came about. No pet waited around for this to happen, they ate real food from our tables and thrived.

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