
All content in this blog is for information purposes only. It is your choice of how you want to raise your pets. This is just to give you another side of ways available for you to research further.

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Food-Let it be the solution

 "Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food" ...Hippocrates
Raw foods can help with many issues you face as a pet owner. Most of the time switching to homemade diets and raw feeding you can combat the most common complaints a pet owner has. I have seen dogs that were on steroids half their life be able to come off them, or on a prescription diet and start eating real food. Skin problems clear up, smelly dogs smell better, ear infections go away, and so on. Pets with bad breath, stomach upset, diarrhea, IBD, and so much more.

Topics for the week of 12/21/15 will cover:

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